Rio de Janeiro: Triumph Architectural 3D Rendering Award 2014

The brief is to present a design proposal with emphasis on the 3D Rendering for an ice skating rink and cafe
pavilion as part of a winter wonderland on a FROZEN Guanabara Bay as a hypothetical scenario. The special
importance of this competition is the quality and creativity displayed in the 3D rendering or visualisation of the

The aim of this international competition is not only to recognise the role of architectural 3D visualisation today in
the architectural design practice as a useful aid in shaping and presenting design ideas to clients, but also
recognise the outstanding achievement and contribution of this skill to the field of contemporary architecture
practice and to encourage more engaging collaborations between visualisation studio or and architects. 3D
visualisation and the quality of the rendering truly bring a lot of benefits to architecture with its ability to lift a
design beyond a clients expectation and allows the client to put themselves within the design proposal.

- Programmers, Architects, Architecture graduates, Architecture students, Graphic Designers, Designers,
Engineers, Urban Planners, Landscape architects
- Studios, Team of architects, Inter-disciplinary teams (max. 4 individuals)

Offener Wettbewerb


Abgabe 15. 10. 2014
Preisgerichtssitzung (vorauss.) 13. 11. 2014

Gesamtpreissumme netto USD 4.000,–

Entrants are required to pay an entry fee as follows:
- Special Registration: $80 US from 24th April 00:00 (GMT) to 08th May 2014 23:59 (GMT)
- Early Registration: $90 US from 09th May 00:00 (GMT) to 08th June 2014 23:59 (GMT)
- Standard Registration: $100 US from 09th June 00:00 (GMT) to 30th September 2014 23:59 (GMT)
- Late Registration: $150 US from 01st October 00:00 (GMT) to 15th October 2014 23:59 (GMT)