International Young Architects' Ideas Awards


Word meaning of fashion is, social appreciation which continue for a certain time, and an over-indulgence shown to something. The most important feature of fashion which is effective in every aspect of our lives is that, it effects society for a temporary duration and it shows a tendency for being temporary.

If we look over Architecture History, we can observe architectural approaches have shown great variability depending on the society, time and location. In ancient period, in renaissance, in pre-modern period, in modern period and in post-modern period, certain currents always leaded architecture. The approches which are first emerged in accordance with the conditions available, became long term approaches in time and they appeared as a part of the culture they were in and then they became architectural currents and they effected other cultures and societies in various parts of the world.

In 21st Century, it impossible to talk about long term architectural approaches because of rapidly evolving technology’s effect. High-tech skyscrapers, sustainable buildings, vested buildings and designs with digital solutions are some examples of today’s architectural fashion. Negative and positive effects of these kinds of applications, and their reflections to nature and their acceptability will be surfaced in time.

In 5th Young Architects Meeting, we want to explore reasons of emergence of the applications which are examples of today’s architectural Fashion, and their effects to human, nature and future, and also their negative and positive aspects.