Deutschland-Lübeck: Gründungsviertel – Neues Wohnen auf historischen Parzellen im UNESCO-Welterbe Lübecker Altstadt – Offener einstufiger Ideenwettbewerb zur Fassadengestaltung von 3 Stadthäusern

Dieser Wettbewerb fällt unter: Richtlinie 2004/18/EG

Abschnitt I: Öffentlicher Auftraggeber / Auftraggeber

Tainan: International Design Competition Tainan Museum of Fine Arts

Being the capital of culture, Tainan City holds profound arts culture. To promote the development of Tainan’s
fine arts culture and industry, Tainan city government planning to build a fine art museum consisting of both
national standard and local cultural features. Government intent to provide professional aesthetic exhibition
facilities and supreme cultural environments in order to create a developing platform for local culture and hoping
to drive the researches on arts, literature and history as well as the development of future arts in Tainan.

Deutschland-Hohberg: Neubau Mehrzweckhalle in Hohberg-Niederschopfheim

Neubau Mehrzweckhalle in Hohberg-Niederschopfheim. Einstufiger, nichtoffener Realisierungswettbewerb mit vorgeschaltetem Bewerbungsverfahren. Gegenstand des Wettbewerbs ist die Neuplanung einer Mehrzweckhalle mit Nebenräumen und ihre Anbindung an die vorhandene Sporthalle. Die Fläche des Wettbewerbsgebietes beträgt ca. 34 000 m². CPV: 71221000, 71222000.

Dieser Wettbewerb fällt unter: Richtlinie 2004/18/EG

Abschnitt I: Öffentlicher Auftraggeber / Auftraggeber

Kopenhagen-Ørestad: Into the Wild


Konzepte zur Gestaltung der Übergangszone zwischen dem Stadtgebiet und der ländlichen Umgebung der
Insel Amager

offener Wettbewerb


Architekten, Landschaftsarchitekten, Stadtplaner, Studierende

Abgabe Pläne 24. 08. 2014


Gesamtpreissumme netto DKK 50.000,–



Throughout the entire period of its existence, humankind was developing numerous methods of elimination of
each other. And with invention of the nuclear weapons this desire has endangered the being itself. matterbetter
researches how the design community in contemporary world can contribute to making this world a little safer
and more friendly.

Los Angeles: LACDA 2014 International Juried Competition

Nancy Meyer, L.A. County Museum of Art
Max Presneill, Torrence Art Museum

Enter our juried competition for digital art and photography. Entrants submit three JPEG files of original work. All
styles of artwork and photography where digital processes of any kind were integral to the creation of the images
are acceptable.

Mesagne: Infopoint rurali terra dei messapi

Il concorso ha per oggetto la progettazione dell’allestimento di n° 8 Info-point, uno per ogni Comune del GAL,
con una superficie media di circa mq. 40 e ubicati in immobili, per lo più storici, di proprietà dei rispettivi Enti
locali. L’obiettivo è quello di acquisire un’idea progettuale che possa essere facilmente “adattabile” ai diversi
ambienti e che evidenzi la caratteristica ruralità del territorio del GAL Terra dei Messapi.

Call for Papers (abstract submission by 30 August 2014)

China’s new leaders have launched the strategy of New Urbanization, pledging to say good-bye to the ‘old
urbanization’ which is often featured by rapid expansion of built-up area and land finance, deterioration of
ecology and cultural identity, and increasing economic bubble and social intension. As one pillar of China’s new
reform endeavor, the New Urbanization, according to the guidelines set by the National New Urbanization Plan
(2014-2020), aims at pursuing a form of urbanization that substantially promotes welfare for people, ecological


Los Angeles: LACDA 2014 International Juried Competition

Los Angeles: LACDA 2014 International Juried Competition
Tag der Veröffentlichung -
Amtsblattnummer -
Termin 25.08.2014
Verfahren Wettbewerbsbekanntmachung
Zulassungsbereich EU / EWR
Sprache EN
LACDA 2014 International Juried Competition

Nancy Meyer, L.A. County Museum of Art
Max Presneill, Torrence Art Museum
